I use my bones to tame you
I Use My Bones To Tame You, 250 X 450 cm. Collage on wall, mixed media. 2004, Pakt, Adam, NL
The drawing belong to a collection of large drawings and collages made site specific on gallery-walls or in relation to a specific exposition during 2004-2007.
Kristine Hymøller’s large-scale compositions, in which abstracted landscape- and architectural elements criss-cross and meander frantically from border to border, are in many cases beyond representation – her drawings (recently also on canvas) are vibrating, intense overall compositions, constructed from different techniques. [Xander Karskens]
When I look at Kristine’s drawings one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is a obsessive yearning and eager to get where her drawings take her. Her use of collage technik, continuously added new parts. The different layers that gives the drawings a certain illusory depth and the notion that her drawings are growing albeit sometimes out of control. Every line, wether it be pencil, pen wasco or carbon is an entity in itself and is as much a singular part of her work as all the different collage parts are.
Jeeroen Art historic-and writer on the dutch art magazine HTV.